The face and other areas are treated using special techniques that lessen the appearance of fine lines as well as deeper wrinkles.
Facial rejuvenation acupuncture is a non-surgical method of reducing the signs of the aging process. Though Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture can sometimes be referred to as an Acupuncture Facelift, it is more than a cosmetic procedure. It is a rejuvenation and revitalization process designed to help the whole body look and feel younger.
Course of treatment
A course of treatment consists of 6-15 sessions (generally 12). We recommend that clients have sessions once a week or twice (in some cases) to get maximum result.
Some results may be seen as early as the 2nd or the 3rd session but the effects become most noticeable and lasting on or about the 7th or 8th session. In some exceptionally difficult cases, the course of treatment may need to be repeated again. As in surgical facelifts, the actual outcome and how long the effects will last cannot be predicted. Each person responds differently, depending on his or her age, condition and lifestyle prior to treatment. For this reason, results for some may be more or less dramatic than they are for others.
Following the initial course of treatment, monthly or quarterly year maintenance sessions can prolong the results for 5 to 10 years. The benefits of a monthly maintenance program are not limited to the face, but rather, improve the body’s overall health and vitality. This, in itself, slows down the aging process.